Monday, March 3, 2014

How You Can Prevent Your Data from Being Lost

When collecting data with software, sometimes other obstacles prevent the data from being collected; obstacles such as loss of power or communication loss. These unforeseen circumstances can cause data gaps in the timeline which may be detrimental to your organization. I know that your data is very important to your company which is why this post is meant to educate you in ways to prevent data loss. 

Canary Labs has implemented a “Store and Forward” technology for remote data collection that utilizes cellular and satellite communications. This is so that temporary loss of communications will not result in the loss of important data. This helps decrease the interruptions of daily business flow when problems like this occur.  Remote system collection can be very complicated and it needs to be carefully thought out and planned to be in order to be completely productive. Canary Labs has the expertise to work with you to come up with an effective solution.

Here are some other suggestions that can help increase your data’s security and prevent these losses:

  • Make sure the Historian server is running on a UPS power supply 
  • Disable automatic OS updates and reboots that occur during the night on the Historian server
  • Use a special Kepware OPC server that automatically switches between a primary and secondary PLC
  • Use RAID drive configuration on the Canary Historian to protect against drive failure
  • Backup historical data files off-site on a periodic basis via commercial backup software
  • Use the Canary Mirror to maintain real-time backups from a primary to a secondary Historian
  • Have totally redundant Historian Systems to capture the historical data independently
  • Utilize the Canary Enterprise Historian HA which is designed to maximize uptime for even the most demanding of applications
  • Consult Canary engineering who can help you design an overall system configuration that meets your data protection needs

All of these suggestions give your company more security when it comes to collecting your data and averting loss. This will save you time and energy as well as avoid future headaches. 

Sometimes it is not the software that causes the data to be lost; sometimes it is unforeseen, unpreventable circumstances that cause the interruption. That’s why it is very important to be prepared. These suggestions will not only benefit your company but secure your valuable data so that when the unexpected becomes a reality you can fight back.

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